The Port of Cherbourg can be accessed at all times, day and night, and is found at the heart of the biggest artificial harbour in Europe, a fabulous architectural feat of the 17th and 18th centuries, covering 1,500 hectares. Cherbourg has five ports, spread across three harbour walls: marina, commercial port, fishing port, military port and cruise port.

Thanks to its harbour, Cherbourg is protected from the wind and sailing boats and yachts come to moor in the marina, Port Chantereyne, and visitors to and from England and Ireland pass through the cross-Channel port.

Port of the Americas, Cherbourg was the chosen port for migrants headed to New York until the end of the 1930s, and the Art Deco Maritime Station is evidence of this period.

The building work for the great harbour wall and forts was launched in 1782, creating a shelter for the military port and armoury where many boats had already been built, as well as nuclear-powered submarines such as the Redoutable, that can now be visited at the Cité de la Mer.

Thanks to the fishing port, the fishmongers and restaurants of Cotentin take advantage of regular deliveries of many species of fish and other famous shellfish.