Our recipes

Pan-fried pout fillet with cider

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1 bottle of farm-produced dry cider 
  • 4 pout fillets, 150 g each (skinless) 
  • 2 parsnips, 2 big carrots, 2 leeks, 2 shallots. 
  • Butter, salt, pepper 


  • In a pan, reduce the cider on a low heat for around 1 hour, until it takes on a syrupy form. Put to one side. 
  • Peel and chop all the vegetables. Put all the vegetables, except for the leeks, in a terracotta dish and bake in the oven for 30 min at 170°C. 
  • In a non-stick pan, fry the pout fillets on a medium heat, with a knob of salted butter, turn them over once.
  • In another pan, fry the leeks with a knob of butter, until they become golden brown.
  • Arrange the fish fillets, roasted vegetables and leeks on the plates.
  • At the same time, re-heat the cider syrup. Bring it to a boil, and add 4 small knobs of salted butter, leave to melt 30 seconds. 
  • Add a tablespoon of cider sauce to the fish and vegetables on each plate.
  • Season with salt and pepper 
  • You could also add a sprig of chervil or some chives, according to taste.

All that’s left to do is enjoy, accompanied with a glass of dry cider.

Warning, alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. 

Grilled lobster
homard grillé

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 50 g butter 
  • 1 finely chopped shallot 
  • 5cl dry white wine  
  • Raw cream 
  • Saffron
  • 2 cl Calvados (optional).


  • Cut the lobsters lengthways (put them in the freezer for a few minutes prior to “put them to sleep”). 
  • Scoop the soft parts out of the head, which will be used to make the sauce.
  • In a very hot oven (Gas mark 8 –fan oven function first and then use the grill function towards the end). Place the 4 lobster halves flesh side up in the oven.
  • Crack the claws to make them easier to cook and let them cook for 8-10 minutes (lobster is cooked when the translucent flesh becomes white and begins to detach from the shell). 
  • Take the lobster halves out of the oven and “flambé” them in Calvados (optional). 

The Sauce (begin before putting the lobster in the oven) 

  • Sweat the finely chopped shallots in some butter. 
  • Add the soft parts from the head (the colour will change from black/brown to red). 
  • Add the butter in small pieces on a very low heat, and stir continuously as the sauce begins to take shape. 
  • Add a large tablespoon of raw cream and a few pinches of saffron. 
  • Spoon some of this sauce onto each lobster half and bake for a few minutes.

Take out of the oven and serve.