With the countless trails, accessible in all weather conditions, all you have to do is get your hiking boots on and set off to explore our Cotentin.

This land of hiking is a wild, preserved and above all, exceptional place at the edge of the world.

From the valleys to the sheer cliffs, the beaches to the forests, the marshland to the coast, the town to the countryside, why choose one when you can explore them all!

Walking tours

Walking tours

Randonnées et balades en ville

The GR®223 hiking trail

The GR®223 hiking trail

Le sentier des douaniers

La Malle Postale

La Malle Postale

Randonnez en toute légèreté

Hiking clubs

Hiking clubs

Randonnez en bonne compagnie…

Hiking advice

Hiking advice

Pour une balade nature inoubliable

The hiking trails

The hiking trails

Les circuits de randonnée

Professional guides

Professional guides

Guides de randonnée